This page will answer your most frequently asked questions on e-mail.  A selection of questions will be added from your recent e-mails, so please check this page often.  Of course feel free to dialogue in more depth by e-mail.


In my play therapy workshops I presented a history of play therapy. After my most recent workshop  a participant said I was giving incorrect info on Margaret Lowenfeld by stating that she used her World Technique only for diagnosis.   Could just tell me if Margaret Lowenfeld used or intended her technique as a treatment modality?


Dr. Lowenfeld used the World Technique for diagnoses and treatment of children and adults.  You may be confusing her method with the Erica School which emphasizes the diagnostic value of Sandplay or Sandtray Therapy

Q: Why do children need to play with army toys? Does this lead to violence?

A: In most Sandplay sessions, the good and bad characters play a central part. Unfortunately, children at very young ages are exposed to violence, be it in a family dynamic, cartoon character, or news program. Children need a way to express their issues around this topic. The choice of Sandplay toys is up to the child. The advantage of Sandplay is that all possibilities are open so children feel comfortable to share their inner most thoughts. It is up to the therapist to diagnose the seriousness of the problem. 


Contact Information

Alison Van Dyk, M.A.,M.A.
651 Steamboat Road
Greenwich, CT 06830 USA

E-Mail: AVanDyk@Sandplay.net

Phone (203) 869-7307